Friday, September 07, 2012

Clearly an Answer to Prayer

Two weeks ago I had surgery.  This was my third surgery and hopefully my last.  As you probably know, Greg and I were not able to have kids (our two boys are adopted) and as a result I was in a lot of pain and it was decided that I would need to have a hysterectomy.  I was really concerned about this surgery.  It requires six weeks recovery, and anyone I spoke to indicated that the first two weeks were pretty much spent in bed, etc. 

I had surgery last year related to the same issues as this time around, and compared to this one was very minor.  I was almost a full two weeks where I couldn't stand or sit for longer than two or three minutes at a time.  The pain was incredibly bad.  This is what I was expecting and anticipating for this time around.

The night before my surgery my Corps Officer, Major Catherine, called to pray with me.  She asked me if there was something specific that she could pray for.  I indicated that I was worried about the amount of pain, etc. afterwards.  So during her prayer she focused on this and fervently prayed that I would have little to no pain when my surgery was completed and that my recovery period would be ok and go well.

The morning of my surgery I was very anxious.  I might also add that it was also the day of my 40th birthday!  What did you get for your 40th?  They wheeled me into the operating room, the OR doctors offered to sing Happy Birthday to me.   My heart rate began to rise and they had to give me something to calm me down before they put me under.  I woke up in recovery and as usual, they had to give me oxygen three times before my levels finally leveled out and I was alert enough to have a conversation with the nurse.  They sent me out to the next level where I spent a few hours and Greg was able to come in.

I was home by about 2:00 p.m. that afternoon.  I had a nap, but by the evening (I think around 7ish) I was sitting up having toast and juice.  Friday morning (the next day) I had my last pain medication and have been mobile ever since.  I've been up walking around, have experienced little to no pain whatsoever, if it wasn't for the bruising I was beginning to wonder if they actually did anything!  That is not to say that after I do an activity I'm not extremely tired and then need to nap, but as far as pain goes, the prayer was absolutely answered!

It's funny how I can't say that I've seen any other time in my life where I prayed for something, and with absolute certainly, that I can say I saw the answer to my prayer.  I'm not saying it has never happened, I'm saying that I guess I've never been willing to say it was God's answer to my prayer and not something that I did on my own.  This time I am with an unfailing faith, and claiming that my recovery from this surgery is a result of the prayer that was prayed on my behalf, and I truly believe that it was CLEARLY AN ANSWER TO PRAYER!


Anonymous said...

It's amazing and all praise is given to our God! He is awesome! PTL ... Isaiah 65:24 Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.

Greg & I have our hands full trying to 'hold' her rest!!!


Sue Matthews said...

I'm glad to hear you had such a smooth recovery, and such a clear answer to your prayer. What a blessing. I hope you continue to recover and feel stronger each day and that your boys continue to take good care of you.

Anonymous said...

Quite a testimony Sue. Very well said, and such a testimony to your FAITH in God.

Aunt Don